Monday, November 19, 2012

Double Your Donation and Your Help!

Denver Mattress Company is donating to help Rescue Missions across the United States. When you donate on their landing page, they will donate the same amount of money to help the work of Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission (up to $2,500 in each city). Go to their landing page at the link below. Once there, you can select the logo of Hope at the End of the Road, the Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission logo, and select Las Cruces. Thank you so much for your help!

Click Here!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wow! Ways to Help Give Help and Double Your Donation!

Our local talented dance and choir clubs at Las Cruces High School and New Mexico State University are encouraging you to help them collect food warm clothing and blankets for the needy who are helped at Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission and the Rescue Mission's ministry, The Clothing Room. The Gospel Rescue Mission serves 70,000 meals a year to people who are homeless or just need a meal. They also help with food boxes for needy families. The Clothing Room at 1416 S. Solano is a set up like a normal clothing store. The difference is that the clothing was donated by people like you who care. The once loved clothing helps others find a job, have clothes for school and know that they will be warm in the beds with blankets, etc. Thanks for your help in this endeavor. Stop by anytime between 9-11 AM Mon. Wed. or Friday to see how your donations make a difference. Come to our open house on Saturday, Nov. 10th from 11:00-4:00 ! Thanks! THANK YOU...STEPS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!

Denver Mattress is donating to Rescue Missions around the USA by matching any donation you make on their landing page up to $2,500!
To donate and have your donation matched, please click on the link below. This is only through the month of November. When you get to the landing page, select the logo for Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission. Thanks!
Link to donate:
Double Your Donations Click Here!